Rebecca Rohman Informational Book Survey

Welcome and thank you for participating in this book survey! Your insights are incredibly valuable in shaping the direction of my future works. The purpose of this survey is to gather opinions on various aspects of literature, including preferences, habits, and interests in reading. Your honest responses will help me understand readers’ perspectives better and contribute to creating more engaging content in the future.

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Which of my books do you love the most?

What do you enjoy most about my books?

Do you enjoy my follow-up novellas following the couples years after the initially got together?

I currently have 3 book series, the Love On The Pacific Shores Series, the Facets Of Love Series and The Uncorked series. Of the 3, which set of covers do you like the most or would like to see more of?

Do you think my plot lines are original?

What additions do you enjoy most about my novels?

How do you feel about the pacing of my books?

Which element of my storytelling do you find most engaging?

Do you prefer books that are part of a series or standalone novels?

How do you feel about the length of my full length novels?

How do you feel about the length of my follow-up novellas?

Do you enjoy when the characters from different books make appearances in other books?

What type of endings do you prefer?

Thank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey. Your contribution is immensely appreciated and will make a significant difference in enhancing the quality of my work. Your feedback is invaluable, and I am grateful for your thoughtful responses. Together, we can delve deeper into the world of books and literature. No solicitations, please.

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