Fighting For His Subject

1 / 12

Who is Jack Bloomfield?

2 / 12

In what state is the prison where Gia's father was sentenced to serve his time?

3 / 12

Gia received a shipment of emeralds, what country were they from?

4 / 12

Where did Gia's assistant, Catalina go to school?

5 / 12

What is the name of Rob's assistant?

6 / 12

How did Rob find out that Gia was pregnant?

7 / 12

Who told Rob that Gia's father was dying?

8 / 12

What is the name of Rob's hometown?

9 / 12

What are the names and breeds of Rob and Gia's two dogs respectively?

10 / 12

What pharmacy did Gia go into when she was being followed?

11 / 12

What new relative comes to visit Gia unexpectedly?

12 / 12

What are the names of Rob and Gia's kids?

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