★ Cover Reveal Love M.D. by Rebecca Rohman ★

Love M.D. by Rebecca Rohman Cover Reveal 1
★ It’s here… Take a look at the cover for Love M.D.
Visit my Rebecca Rohman Facebook page today where I’ll be sharing teasers from Love M.D. and giving away some fun prizes throughout the day. Hope you will join me.
★ Love M.D. Blurb
Due To Be Released In February 2015
As an accomplished interior designer in San Francisco’s Bay Area, Zoë Jenkins is used to transforming empty spaces into masterpieces. She leaves little square footage in her personal life for anything outside of her thriving business and a renewed relationship with her twin brother. After a decade spent ripped apart by circumstance and an entire ocean’s distance, she depends on no one but him. Until a sexy surgeon walks into her life.Love M.D. by Rebecca Rohman Front Cover 600DPI
Although Zoë can’t deny her attraction to the charming and benevolent Morgan Drake, he’s on her mental list of everything she should avoid. Past experience taught Zoë that dating clients compromises business. Add a not-yet-dissolved marriage to the mix and Doctor Hottie is definitely Doctor Off-limits.
Dr. Morgan Drake is surprised at the undeniable chemistry he feels when he’s in the same room as Zoë. The strikingly beautiful and solitary designer he hired to fill his new-start, new-city home makes it abundantly clear there will never be anything between them. But twelve years of medical school breeds persistence. He sets out to persuade the pants off Zoë Jenkins and show her what her empty spaces are missing.
Intense passion and amazing sex have a way of masking secrets—secrets that unravel a dangerous web of drugs, fraud and corruption that turn Zoë’s quiet spaces into a world where nothing is as it seems. With her life on the line, the good doctor responsible for her fiercest betrayal might just be the only one worthy of her finest interior masterpiece—this time, of her heart.
★ Love M.D. Excerpt ★
Morgan laughs and swims towards me. “You’re not too mad at me are you, baby?” he asks with that stupid boyish grin of his. I hate to admit it, but I absolutely love the sexy way baby just rolls off his lips.
“I suppose… maybe just a little.”Love M.D. by Rebecca Rohman Sexy 2
“Good, because I’d hate this little incident to stop you from going out with me again.”
“Well if you’re trying to make an impression on a woman, I would advise you not to pursue this course of action in the future.”
“Not any woman-you,” he says, circling me in his arms.
I wrap my arms around his neck. “You’re trying to sweep me off my feet?”
He chuckles. “I hate to break it to you, but I think I just did.”
He leans forward, kissing me lightly on my neck then cheek and finally my lips. Returning his deep kiss, I taste him. A hint of citrus from the Chablis we enjoyed lingers behind.
He caresses my form, and raises my dress to my hip, enabling me to wrap my legs around his hard, rugged body. I’ve been so eager to be touched by him. And as our tongues are in this rapturous dance, the feel of his hands skimming over my breasts, then my hips and down to my ass leave me wanting more.

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