Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor. Over twenty years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released seven additional novels and five novellas. Fighting For His Subject is her twelfth release.

  • An Inopportune Love – New Release

    An Inopportune Love by Rebecca Rohman

    An Inopportune Love

    Author: Rebecca Rohman

    Series: Love On The Pacific Shores – Book #9

    Release Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022

    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense

    Pages/Words: 416/122,000

    Format: Ebook & Paperback

    ★ An Inopportune Love Synopsis

    After Maya McLean’s marriage and life unexpectedly end in the UK, she’s about to start over in her homeland of Saint Lucia when one disaster after the next derails her plans. By chance, she ends up spending the holidays with close family and friends in Switzerland where she has a nasty encounter with fellow guest, Min-jae Kang.

    Min-jae Kang is the Chief Security Officer of the international conglomerate, Ros Industries. He’s dedicated his life to his job and protecting others. When he winds up with his boss and family for Christmas, he has a spirited exchange with the feisty Maya McLean. Surprisingly, he finds himself intrigued and attracted to her. Problem—she’s not necessarily available.

    When a short stint takes Maya to Min-jae’s home city of Seattle, Min-jae has to deal with the fact that he’s falling in love with a woman who has just been through the most traumatic experience in her life, whose time there is limited, and a woman who may not be able to reciprocate what he feels. To make matters worse, Maya’s presence causes him one of the largest security predicaments he has ever personally faced in his lifetime.

    While Maya struggles to leave her past behind and look ahead to her future, trusting and opening her heart to another man—Min-jae Kang might be the only way for her to live to see the next chapter in her life
An Inopportune Love Excerpt

    ★ An Inopportune Love Excerpt

    It’s almost 7 p.m. when I return to the Ros’s house after some last-minute Christmas shopping.

    I head into the apartment over their garage to shower and change before I join them at the main house for dinner.

    As I open the door downstairs to the foyer and go upstairs to the living room, I hear a dog barking. When I step into the living room, two small dogs, I think, papillons come barreling down the hall. One barks and as I put my shopping bags down on the sofa, the other leaps into my arms and begins licking my face.

    At the same time, a woman steps out of the bathroom at the end of the hall. When her eyes meet mine, she screams and her towel drops to the floor.

    Heat coils around my neck at the sight of her voluptuous, naked body. My mouth drops open and for a moment, I’m struck frozen by her beauty.

    “Stop staring!” She covers her rounded breasts and her center with her hands and arms while trying to hurriedly crouch down to the floor.

    Her words snap me out of my untimely trance and I immediately turn around. My throat turns dry. Clearing it, I ask, “Who are you, and why are you in my apartment?”

    “What do you mean your apartment? Megan and Daemon invited me here. I’m Maya. They said they spoke to you and you knew I was coming.”


    I set the dog down on the floor. “Is it safe for me to turn around now?”

    “Yes,” she barks.

    I turn to see her completely flushed, smooth, cinnamon skin against the bright white towel. Her brown eyes are barely able to meet mine.

    “Well, when we spoke and Megan said your name, I thought I heard her say, Micah, not Maya. I was

expecting a man?” She finishes my statement. “Still, it’s no reason for you to gape and leer that way. For God’s sake, be a bloody gentleman.”

    “I apologize. I was completely caught off guard. I wasn’t prepared to see a woman in my space.”

    “What? You have a problem with the opposite sex?”

    “Don’t let my ponytail fool you. I explained to you what happened and I apologized. You could try just a smidgen to be a little more understanding about it.”

    “Not when you ogle that way.”

    “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. You’re not my type.”

    “What? Civilized?”

    “What a joke. I love women of all types. When it comes to the opposite sex, I do not discriminate. What I can’t stand are those who are bitchy, uncompromising, and uncouth.”

    She gasps at my response and looks down. For a split second, I regret my choice of words. Then

     â€œYou know what? You’re a personified jerk. The epitome of the word cad and a pompous ass. Do me a favor, Mr. Neanderthal

    I smile inwardly at her rude mouth.

    She continues, “Stay in your room and I’ll stay in mine. We should probably stay far apart from each other. If you’d excuse me, I need to get dressed.”

    At the sound of her words, some excitement runs through my body and though I’ve never had one, I realize I’m attracted to feisty

    As she grips the towel in her hand and turns around, for the first time, I notice her shimmering diamond wedding and engagement rings.

    Where is her husband?

    Want to read more? Read the first 30 pages of An Inopportune Love here.

    Buy An Inopportune Love Now

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  • ★ Fighting For His Subject Blog Tour & Giveaway

    Fighting For His Subject

    Author: Rebecca Rohman

    Series: Facets Of Love Series, Book 2

    Release Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense

    Pages/Words: 292/57,000

    Format: Ebook & Paperback



    After five years of marriage, sacrifice, and hard work, Robert and Gia Hunter are about to live their dream in the city of Miami. With the opening of a new family law office, and a luxury jewelry store, what should be the happiest time of their lives quickly turns into a nightmare when they become targets of someone for reasons unknown.

    To make matters worse, their marriage is tested when the two face fundamental disagreements on how Gia should handle a request from her imprisoned father.

    While dangers confront the two from the outside, and constant fights plague them on the inside, will Gia and Rob unite and conquer the forces that threaten, or will their differences destroy them forever


    Rob enters the bathroom minutes after I turn on the shower. Ordinarily, he’d join me, but after pulling away his shirt, he grabs a tube of shaving cream and I realize he has other plans—plans he’d usually let me help him with when we’re in the bathroom together.

    Our first night here, I intended for it to be romantic and sexy. We have so much to be excited about. It was supposed to be the start of this new phase in our lives
it’s just not the way I had hoped it would be. And the way my husband has been looking at me lately, I’m not sure our problems will be resolved any time soon. I’m not sure if he’ll ever see me the same way again

    What can I say to him to make this all better?

    But I’m afraid anything I say will only make it worse.

    He hasn’t touched me in five days. And apart from the early stages in our relationship when I was almost killed over five years ago while I was recovering from surgery, that is not something I’m used to.

    As I step out of the shower, I hear the question I’m afraid to hear the answer to spilling out of my mouth. “Do you still love me?”

    He freezes at my question and stares me in the eye through my reflection in the mirror. “How could you ask me that? Why would you ask me that?”

    I sense the anger in his voice and to avoid a fight before we leave for dinner, I walk away. “Don’t bother.”

    In the bedroom, I open the closet in search of something to wear.

    He follows me into the room. “I need you to tell me why you’d ask that.”

    “Rob, I don’t want to fight.”

    “Why?” he’s borderline shouting.

    “Because, lately, when you look at me, all I ever see is disdain.”

    His dark eyes suddenly lighten and his jaw, which was clenched before, relaxes.

    A barrage of tears plummets down my cheeks. “Every time you speak to me now, all I hear is contempt and resentment in your words and when you’re not talking, I only see disappointment when I look you in the eye.

    “If I had done something wrong, maybe I could understand, but it’s all because of a choice I made that I feel is right in my heart. You know, if you want to live the rest of your life carrying around anger and hate, then that’s your decision, but don’t abhor me for letting go and releasing the baggage in my life that has weighed me down for the last five years.”


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    Falling For His Subject

    Book 1 in The Facets Of Love Series

    After FBI Agent, Robert Hunter loses his best friend in a luxurious Washington DC hotel, he’ll do anything to avenge his friend’s death.

    Gia French is completely unaware that she’s about to become the subject in a murder investigation, when her new Versace job takes her on a business trip from Milan to Washington DC.

    When the two meet in the most unlikely circumstances, Rob finds himself falling for Gia, and Gia begins to question everything and everyone she thought she knew when her universe begins to fall apart.

    With no one in her new world she can trust, Robert Hunter, a man who has ulterior motives and who is driven by revenge might be the only one to help her through this agonizing time in her life. But is he in it for love, or does he intend to exploit her to execute the vengeful plans he had from the start

    This novel was previously published under the title, Translating The Tides.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    Over twenty years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released seven additional novels and five novellas. Fighting For His Subject is her twelfth release.

    For Updates and Other Information

    Visit Her Website at:

    Follow or Like Her On

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    Sign Up For Rebecca’s Mailing List

    Other Titles By Rebecca Rohman

    Although Rebecca Rohman’s novels standalone, they can be read together because they share the same characters. The novellas are follow-up books to the full-length novels. They’re listed below in the order they were released in case you’d like to read them together.

    Love On The Pacific Shores Series

    Love, Lies & The D.A.

    Love M.D.

    A Problematic Love

    Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas (Novella)

    The Painful Side of Love (Novella)

    Love On High Steel Bridge

    One More Chance At Love

    A Problematic Christmas Love

    Facets Of Love Series

    Falling For His Subject

    (This novel was previously published under the title – Translating The Tides)

    Fighting For His Subject (Novella)

    The Uncorked Series


    Unravel – An Uncorked Novella

    Available At:
    Amazon | Apple iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

  • ★ One More Chance At Love Blog Tour & Giveaway


    Author: Rebecca Rohman
    Release Date: February 25, 2020
    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
    Number of Pages/Words: 500/140,000
    Format: Ebook & Paperback


    Thirty years ago, as teenagers, lawyer, Bobby McLean and travel writer, Sicora Clarke shared an intense love affair and had a happy future planned. But when Sicora ended it with no explanation and Bobby never heard from her again, it devastated him.

    Today, one marriage and one horrific tragedy later, Bobby returns to his island home of Saint Lucia to help him reset before a fresh start in San Francisco.

    Sicora Clarke intends to be in and out of her birthplace quickly. When she unexpectedly runs into Bobby McLean in the most dubious circumstances, it resurrects issues that she had buried decades ago, issues that rocked her entire world—issues that tore them apart.

    When Sicora returns to life on the US east coast and Bobby on the west, neither can forget the plans they made and the passionate life and love they used to share. But with the geographical distance between them and a world of secrets, conflicts and dangers amid them, it widens the gap physically—but not necessarily in their hearts.

    With Sicora’s life now threatened, could a rekindled love be the only way for them to make it out alive or was this reunion doomed from the start


    Saint Lucia

    “I don’t want to marry you,” a woman says to someone as I sit on the jetty at Saint Lucia’s Pigeon Island.

    The blackness of the night surrounds us and what started as indistinct voices behind me among some trees now reaches my ears with some clarity.

    She continues, “How many times and ways do I have to say this. I don’t want to marry you. I don’t want to marry anybody. You knew this from the start and for you to follow me here at a time like this is insensitive and selfish on your part.”

    “Why is it so hard for you to settle into a life with me?” the man asks. “I could give you the world. I could give you a life you could only dream of.”

    “Vince, I’m not doing this with you right now. Not now nor have I ever been interested in living off your money.”

    I try to ignore the lovers’ spat going on behind me but when I hear the woman shriek, I turn to make sure she’s okay.

    Their bodies are in silhouette among the trees.

    “Let go of me,” she yells. “Leave me alone. I’m done. It’s over. I’m not doing this with you anymore.”

    “Please. I’m begging you,” the man pleads.

    His American accent comes through clearly and I realize though hers is indistinct, they’re probably tourists.

    “What part of it’s over do you not understand?” the woman laments.

    She walks away and the man follows her, grabs her by her arm and shoves her against a nearby tree causing me to rise to my feet.

    “Vince, stop. You’re scaring me.” The shakiness in her voice is now clear. “You’re acting crazy. Let go of me.”


    Hearing his obstinate response, I take a few steps closer and look on. Their figures are still in view but the darkness of the night only outlines their bodies. Their speech is now inaudible. My gut tells me to check on this woman.

     â€œHey. Leave her alone,” I shout as I run toward them.

    The man gasps at my presence and immediately lets her go. As she runs away, the moonlight and a nearby lamppost illuminate her body. Part of her white skirt is torn and a piece of fabric remains in his hand.

    He was attempting to rape her.

    “Sicora, I’m sorry,” he yells as she runs away trying to hold what’s left of her skirt together.

    His words send chills through my body. “Sicora? Sicora Clarke?”

    She stills at my words and as she turns, her eyes meet mine and the moonlight hits her face. Tears run down her cheeks.

    She’s older now but no less beautiful than she was when I last saw her almost thirty years ago.

    “It’s Bobby—Bobby McLean.”

    She gasps as she looks at me, then holding her skirt together, she runs away.

    I look at the man, then her and the man again and while my first instinct is to beat him up, I realize that she might need a friend and I chase her down the sandy path.

    As I call out her name, she runs through the gates of the park, putting her out of my view. I hear the footsteps of the man—Vince following me.

    By the time I make it through the gate, it’s just enough time to see her slipping behind the wheel of a blue SUV.

    “Sicora, wait,” I shout.

    She looks me in the eye and speeds away…


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    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    Over twenty years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released nine additional novels including One More Chance At Love and three novellas. One More Chance At Love is her tenth release.


    Visit Rebecca’s Website at


    Sign Up For Rebecca’s Mailing List

    Goodreads | BookBub | Facebook |Twitter

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    Although Rebecca Rohman’s novels standalone, they can be read together because they share the same characters. The novellas are follow-up books to the full-length novels. They’re listed below in the order they were released in case you’d like to read them together.

    Love On The Pacific Shores Series
    Love, Lies & The D.A.
    Love M.D.
    A Problematic Love
    Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas (Novella)
    The Painful Side of Love (Novella)
    Love On High Steel Bridge
    One More Chance At Love

    Translating The Tides (Standalone)

    The Uncorked Series
    Unravel – An Uncorked Novella

    Available At:
    Amazon | Apple iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

  • ★ Love On High Steel Bridge Blog Tour



    About Love On High Steel Bridge

    Author: Rebecca Rohman
    Release Date: February 26, 2019
    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
    Approximate Number of Pages/Words: 500/146,000
    Format: Ebook & Paperback


    Captain Dorian Rae is a wounded soul who gets his greatest pleasures from being in the great outdoors and soaring the skies. When he has a life-changing encounter with a beauty on Washington State’s High Steel Bridge, he never anticipates that one meeting would have an enduring effect on him and change their worlds forever.


    But fate seems determined to throw them together when she repeatedly shows up not only in his dreams but also in reality, and in his past when he finds out that she played a role in the death of his best friend.

    When a seemingly impossible friendship develops between the two, the lines between friendship and romantic relationship become blurred and Dorian’s efforts to stay out of a relationship—especially with a woman with such a tattered past―comes into question.

    While her past catches up with their present, and disapproving family and friends enter the mix, the already deep-seated conflict that at first kept these two people apart, now threatens to break them up forever.

    Love On High Steel Bridge will take you through high altitudes and to some devastating lows. If you like suspense, steamy love scenes and unexpected plot twists, come with Captain Rae as he flies the skies on this riveting journey.


    Excerpt – Their First Encounter…

    “Don’t jump,” I plead with the woman teetering on the edge of the rail of High Steel Bridge, Washington. She’s close to falling three hundred plus feet to her death.

    She swiftly turns to me, a blackened stream of tears leaks from her beautiful, emerald eyes.

    An explosion erupts in my chest as I get near her. “Whatever it is, you’ll get through it, but it’s not worth your life.”

    I take a step closer, hoping to get nearer in case she ignores my appeal.

    “I have nothing left,” she cries. “I’ve hurt and lost my family and everyone I care about. My kids hate me. All I’ve done is cause everyone heartache and pain. I have nothing to live for
I have nothing to offer them
they’d all be better off without me.”

    “I doubt that’s true.”

    She looks down and for a second, I think she’s going to jump.

    “Please don’t!” I step closer to her and stretch out my hand. “Please. My name is Dorian—Dorian Rae. Please, let me help you.”

    “You don’t know me
you don’t want to know me,” she sobs. “I’m a horrible person. I’ve done horrendous things and I’ve hurt innocent people, and no matter what I do, I could never, ever fix it. I could never give back what I took from them. No matter what I do, I will never make it right. Everyone would be better off if I weren’t here.”

    Sweat trickles down my brow as I try to figure out what to say to this woman to stop her from taking her life.

    I make another attempt. “I’m here. And if you’d like someone to talk to, I’d be willing to listen.” I slowly step closer to her. If I lunged forward, I could probably grab her wrist, but I don’t want to startle her with sudden movements and cause her to fall over.

    I stretch my palm toward her. “Take my hand. Let’s give this another try. I’ll listen. I’m here to help you. Or maybe there’s someone else you’d prefer I call?”

    “No. I’d be doing them all a favor if I were out of their lives. Thanks for trying to help
but this would be best for everyone. If I’m gone, I can’t hurt anyone—I can’t cause any more pain.”

    “Look, I understand things are rough but please

    She looks me in the eye. “I’m sorry.”

    The gushing waterfall below fills the air accompanied by her sobs. She slightly lifts one of her feet as if to step to her death when I leap toward her, grab her wrist and pull her off the railing and into my arms where we both crash onto the road.


    I breathe.

    I sit with this woman in my arms where for minutes her sobs echo through the clean air as she clutches onto me tightly and bawls. My shoulders relax as I hold her.

    It then occurs to me that I’ve never seen someone in such intense pain although I can relate to it.

    My chest clenches as I hold her in my arms and in some way, though I know nothing of her troubles, I feel this inexplicable connection to her and find myself relating to her pain.

    “It’s going to be okay,” I whisper, gently stroking her long, jet-black hair. “You’ll make it through this. I’ve been there. I know it’s hard but give it some time.”

    As I comfort her, a black and pink backpack catches my attention on the sidewalk. It matches her shoes so it must be hers. It looks like she’d been hiking. However, would she be hiking alone in such a secluded area? If she came up here for the sole purpose of killing herself, why bring camping gear?

    “I’m sorry.” She backs away from my hold. “Thanks for your help.”

    She rises to her feet, picks up her bag and walks toward the other side of the bridge where cars are parked.

    “Wait.” I run to catch up with her. “Let me get you some help or take you to a hospital.”

    “I’ll be fine. Thanks,” she responds still in tears.

    My fear that she’ll try this again prompts me to hold her wrist. “You shouldn’t be alone. Let me help you. If you like, I’ll stay with you while you call a friend or a family member, or I can take you to the nearest hospital myself.”

    “I don’t know you—”

    “My name is Dorian Rae.” I slip my hands into my pocket, pull out my wallet, retrieve my driver’s license and my airline ID and show it to her.

    Through her tears, she looks at it, then me in silence but does not respond.

    “Look, I will not leave you here alone. Either we call someone you’re close to or you let me take you to the hospital. Otherwise, I’ll call the police. And I doubt I’ll get a signal up here so that leaves you with only one option. Come on, you shouldn’t be alone.”

    I take her backpack from her hand and extend my open palm toward her. “Let me help you. Please.”

    Hesitantly, she stretches out her hand to meet mine while soft sobs leave her lips.

    “Did you drive up here?”

    She nods.

    “Well, I’ll take you to the hospital and we’ll worry about getting your car after.”

    She murmurs a soft okay when we arrive at the parking area.

    “May I ask your name? If you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to tell me.”

    She looks down and shakes her head as silent tears continue down her cheeks.

    There are three vehicles here including mine. I open the door on the passenger side to allow her into my car, slip our backpacks into the backseats and take pictures of the remaining two vehicles before I get into the seat beside her. If she’s not comfortable telling me her name, I doubt she would want to tell me which of the two vehicles she owns.

    I start the ignition and turn to her. “It’s okay. I’m going to take you to the nearest hospital. If there is anything else I can do for you, let me know, okay?”

    Looking down, she nods in acknowledgment.

    We drive along the wooded and sometimes barren road mostly in silence. The occasional sniffling from her tears are the only sounds invading the quiet air.

    The late afternoon sun is leaving for the day. Fifteen minutes later, when I get to US Highway 101, a signal comes through on my cell phone and I find out the nearest hospital is fifteen minutes away.

    She stays in the car when I pull up to the emergency room.

    Is she scared?

    After the last hour, I could only imagine that she might be. I tell the first nurse I see why she’s here. However, when I explain that I don’t know her, not even her name, they tell me they’ll take it from there.

    The nurse walks out with a wheelchair to my vehicle and helps her out.

    “Would you like me to stay with you?” I ask.

    “No, thank you,” she whispers. “You’ve done enough.”

    “We’ll handle it,” the nurse says to me.

    I grab her bag from the back seat and hand it to her along with my business card. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, please call me.”

    She whispers a soft, “Thank you.”

    I watch the nurse wheel her away until she disappears from my view.

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    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released five additional novels including Love On High Steel Bridge and three novellas. Love On High Steel Bridge is her ninth release.

    For Updates and Other Information

    Visit Rebecca’s Website at

    Follow or Like Rebecca

    Sign Up For Rebecca’s Mailing List

    Goodreads | BookBub | Facebook |Twitter

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    Titles By Rebecca Rohman


    Although Rebecca Rohman’s novels standalone, they can be read together because they share the same characters. The novellas are follow-up books to the full-length novels. They’re listed below in the order they were released in case you’d like to read them together.

    Translating The Tides (Standalone)

    Love On The Pacific Shores Series
    Love, Lies & The D.A.
    Love M.D.
    A Problematic Love
    Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas (Novella)
    The Painful Side of Love (Novella)
    Love On High Steel Bridge

    The Uncorked Series
    Unravel – An Uncorked Novella

    Available At:
    Amazon | Apple iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo


  • ★ Translating The Tides Post & Giveaway


    ★ About Translating The Tides

    Author: Rebecca Rohman

    Release Date: February 27, 2018

    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense

    Approximate Number of Pages/Words: 493/141,000

    Format: Ebook & Paperback


    ★ Synopsis

    When F.B.I. Agent Robert Hunter loses his best friend in a luxurious Washington DC hotel, he has only one thing on his mind—avenging his friend’s death. He just didn’t anticipate falling for the murderer’s daughter along the way


    Sign Up Here

    ★ Excerpt 1 – Their First Encounter…

    “Gia French, is it? Am I pronouncing that correctly?” the ticketing agent at Reagan Washington National asks.

    “It’s Gia like the letter G, then yuh—Gee-yuh.”

    “That’s a pretty name. May I have your passport please?”

    I thank her and politely hand it over.

    It’s been a remarkable journey touring the east coast of the United States but it must end. Unfortunately, I am two days ahead of schedule because my director at Versace in Milan unexpectedly wants to meet with me tomorrow because he’ll be traveling in a few days.

    I arrived at the ticket counter to see if I could find a way to change my plans and make it on the next flight out of here to get back to Milan in time for a meeting tomorrow evening. According to my research, a flight leaves here in a little over an hour. It looked packed but I intend to get on it.

    The airport traffic is dying now that it’s 8 p.m. Thankfully, I’m the only one in line. But I’m anxious and hoping the agent can quickly work this out in time for me to make it through security and catch the flight.

    “Excuse me,” a man walks up to the counter. “I need to get out of here—urgently.”

    “And you assume I don’t,” I respond slightly perturbed by his intrusion.

    The attendant responds to him. “Look, sir, I’m the only one working here right now so you’re going to have to wait until I finish things here with this customer.”

    “Thank you,” I nod at her in approval and smile.

    “Well, can you hurry it up already?”

    How rude.

    The woman ignores him and she tries to sort me out while he huffs and puffs behind me.
    I turn to him and smile. “You know, rudeness will only get you so far,” utter sarcasm filters through my words. “Sometimes a little politeness can take you a long way. Pardon me
I don’t mean to intrude
or maybe you could have asked me nicely first. That’s called manners, or didn’t you learn those? Do they not exist on the planet you come from?”

    His vivid blue eyes turn dark and cold. “Listen, lady, I’m not in the mood, okay.”

    “Well, neither am I, so back off and let me handle my business,” I snap.

    He doesn’t respond and looks at something on his phone.

    The clerk manages to get me on a flight from here to Munich and from Munich to Milan. I’ll have to head straight from the airport to my meeting but barring no delays, I’ll get there on time.

    “Here you go Ms. French.” She hands me my boarding passes and passport. “Your flight leaves out of gate twenty-two in fifty-five minutes.”

    “Thank you.”

    As I turn to leave, the man behind me stares at me crossly when my carry-on suitcase is stuck in the strap of his. When I yank it away, the case turns off its wheels and runs over his foot.

    “Maybe you should watch where you’re going,” he says tersely.

    “Maybe you should keep your belongings out of the way,” I retort. “Considering it’s beyond the check-in line, that’s a hindrance and a liability.”

    “You know what? Why don’t you just mind your own business and get lost.”

    “Gladly,” I respond. “Cuzão!”

    “What was that?” he shouts from behind me.

    I swear he’s trying to provoke me.

    I stop and turn to him, “I said you’re an asshole. What are you going to do, beat me up? You stupid dingbat.”

    I stomp away curtly with my blood-red stilettos pounding the terrazzo floors making it through security and to the gate just in time to get onto the aircraft.

    ★ Trailer

    ★ Excerpt 2 – Sexual Hedonism…

    “Are you single? Are you seeing anyone?”

    “No. I’m not in a relationship with anyone except my two dogs Bella and Cudjoe. In addition, if I were seeing anyone, I would not have spent that time with you. There are two girls I see, but it’s purely sexual.”

    Translating-The-Tides-8“I can’t believe you just admitted that to me.”

    “It is what it is.”

    “Do they know about each other?”

    “Yes—they’re best friends.”

    “And you have sex
with both of them?”




    “You’re a freak
a promiscuous male slut.”

    A sexy grin crosses his lips. “I’ve been called worse, but don’t expect me to apologize just because I’m sexually uninhibited.”

    I find his honesty both refreshing and appalling. “Why would I expect you to apologize?

    And who says you’re the only one who’s sexually uninhibited?”

    He nearly chokes on his wine.

    I giggle. “Does that surprise you?”

    “Let’s just say I was not expecting that response.” He laughs.

    “Well, I’m not a slut and I don’t engage in threesomes but I thoroughly enjoy great sex with the right man.”

    “As you should.”

    “So do you use protection when you engage in all this hedonism?”

    “Always.” He winks at me.

    “So when do you intend to see them next?”

    ★ Buy Links

    Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

    Amazon IN | Amazon FR | Amazon IT | Amazon DE | Amazon ES

    Amazon NL Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX

    Apple iBooksBarnes & Noble | Kobo


    ★ About Rebecca Rohman

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released four additional novels including Translating The Tides and three novellas. Translating The Tides is her eighth release.

    ★ For Updates and Other Information

    Visit Rebecca’s Website at

    ★ Follow or Like Rebecca

    Sign Up For Rebecca’s Mailing List

    Goodreads | BookBub | Facebook |Twitter

    Google+ | YouTube | Pinterest


    ★ Other Titles By Rebecca Rohman

    Although Rebecca Rohman’s novels standalone, they can be read together because they share the same characters. The novellas are follow-up books to the full-length novels. They’re listed below in the order they were released in case you’d like to read them together.

    Translating The Tides (Standalone)

    Love On The Pacific Shores Series
    Love, Lies & The D.A.
    Love M.D.
    A Problematic Love
    Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas (Novella)
    The Painful Side of Love (Novella)

    The Uncorked Series
    Unravel – An Uncorked Novella

    Available At:

    Amazon | Apple iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo




    The Painful Side of Love

    ~A Follow-Up Novella to Love M.D.

    Author: Rebecca Rohman

    Release Date: April 25, 2017

    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense

    Pages/Words: 312/52,300

    Format: Ebook & Paperback



    We all make them. But when is a mistake too big to forgive? What happens when the consequences of our mistakes are so disastrous, they cause excruciating pain to everyone we hold near and dear?

    San Francisco’s Dr. Morgan Drake makes one mistake. One colossal mistake that could cost him everything and everyone he loves—including himself.

    When interior designer, ZoĂ« Drake sees small changes in her husband, her investigations point to a mammoth problem. The happy marriage and great relationship they share quickly begins to evaporate. What’s worse—it’s all happening when Zoë’s going through some changes of her own—at a time when she might need Morgan the most.

    With a husband who is at times completely absent, a child who increasingly blames himself for his parents’ issues, and a cryptic call that introduces the element of danger and fear, ZoĂ« will soon realize that there is a painful side of love. As their world falls apart, will there be anything that can secure their bond, or will this chapter of their lives come to a catastrophic end?

    The Painful Side of Love is a follow-up novella to Rebecca Rohman’s romantic suspense novel, Love M.D. If you like romance with a bit of steam, a huge injection of suspense and being taken on a roller-coaster of emotions, then this novella is for you.


    5 Stars ★★★★★

    “This was nothing like I have read from Rebecca before, it was so much more, my emotions were on high alert and my mind was like holy crap on every page.”—Johnnie H., Goodreads Reviewer

    5 Stars ★★★★★

    “Every time I pick up one of her books I know I’m going to be left in an emotional heap by the end for one reason or another, and The Painful Side of love was no different. As a matter of fact, this book is one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters I have been on to date! “—Barbara G., Goodreads Reviewer

    5 Stars ★★★★★

    “An enthralling story, which will take a swing at your emotions.”—Sabrina O., Goodreads Reviewer


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    Barnes & Noble | Kobo

    Love M.D. Book #1

    Love M.D. NEW COVER 1As an accomplished interior designer in San Francisco’s Bay Area, ZoĂ« Jenkins is used to transforming empty spaces into masterpieces. She leaves little square footage in her personal life for anything outside of her thriving business and a renewed relationship with her twin brother. After a decade spent ripped apart by circumstance and an entire ocean’s distance, she depends on no one but him. Until a sexy surgeon walks into her life.

    Although ZoĂ« can’t deny her attraction to the charming and benevolent Morgan Drake, he’s on her mental list of everything she should avoid. Past experience taught ZoĂ« that dating clients compromises business. Add a not-yet-dissolved marriage to the mix and Doctor Hottie is definitely Doctor Off-limits.

    Dr. Morgan Drake is surprised at the undeniable chemistry he feels when he’s in the same room as ZoĂ«. The strikingly beautiful and solitary designer he hired to fill his new-start, new-city home makes it abundantly clear there will never be anything between them. But twelve years of medical school breeds persistence. He sets out to persuade the pants off ZoĂ« Jenkins and show her what her empty spaces are missing.

    Intense passion and amazing sex have a way of masking secrets-secrets that unravel a dangerous web of fraud, corruption, and conspiracy that turn Zoë’s quiet spaces into a world where nothing is as it seems. With her life on the line, the good doctor responsible for her fiercest betrayal might just be the only one worthy of her finest interior masterpiece-this time, of her heart.


    About Rebecca Rohman

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released three additional novels and two novellas. A follow-up novella to her third book-Love M.D. named The Painful Side of Love was released in April 2017.

    For Updates and Other Information

    Visit Rebecca’s Website at

    Follow or Like Her  On

    Goodreads | Facebook | BookBub | Twitter | Google+ | YouTube | Pinterest

  • ★ The Painful Side of Love By Rebecca Rohman Cover Reveal


    the-painful-side-of-lovewebThe Painful Side of Love

    ~A Follow-Up Novella to Love M.D.

    Author: Rebecca Rohman

    Release Date: April 25, 2017

    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense

    Pages/Words: 250/45,000

    Format: Ebook & Paperback



    We all make them. But when is a mistake too big to forgive? What happens when the consequences of our mistakes are so disastrous, they cause excruciating pain to everyone we hold near and dear?

    San Francisco’s Dr. Morgan Drake makes one mistake. One colossal mistake that could cost him everything and everyone he loves—including himself.

    When interior designer, ZoĂ« Drake sees small changes in her husband, her investigations point to a mammoth problem. The happy marriage and great relationship they share quickly begins to evaporate. What’s worse—it’s all happening when Zoë’s going through some changes of her own—at a time when she might need Morgan the most.

    With a husband who is at times completely absent, a child who increasingly blames himself for his parents’ issues, and a cryptic call that introduces the element of danger and fear, ZoĂ« will soon realize that there is a painful side of love. As their world falls apart will there be anything that can secure their bond, or will this chapter of their lives come to a catastrophic end?

    The Painful Side of Love is a follow-up novella to Rebecca Rohman’s romantic suspense novel, Love M.D. If you like romance with a tad of steam, a huge injection of suspense and being taken on a roller-coaster of emotions, then this novella is for you.

    the-painful-side-of-love-1Pre-Order Links

    Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

    Amazon IN | Amazon FR | Amazon IT | Amazon DE | Amazon ES

    Amazon NL | Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX


    Love M.D. NEW COVER 1Love M.D. Book #1

    As an accomplished interior designer in San Francisco’s Bay Area, ZoĂ« Jenkins is used to transforming empty spaces into masterpieces. She leaves little square footage in her personal life for anything outside of her thriving business and a renewed relationship with her twin brother. After a decade spent ripped apart by circumstance and an entire ocean’s distance, she depends on no one but him. Until a sexy surgeon walks into her life.

    Although ZoĂ« can’t deny her attraction to the charming and benevolent Morgan Drake, he’s on her mental list of everything she should avoid. Past experience taught ZoĂ« that dating clients compromises business. Add a not-yet-dissolved marriage to the mix and Doctor Hottie is definitely Doctor Off-limits.

    Dr. Morgan Drake is surprised at the undeniable chemistry he feels when he’s in the same room as ZoĂ«. The strikingly beautiful and solitary designer he hired to fill his new-start, new-city home makes it abundantly clear there will never be anything between them. But twelve years of medical school breeds persistence. He sets out to persuade the pants off ZoĂ« Jenkins and show her what her empty spaces are missing.

    Intense passion and amazing sex have a way of masking secrets-secrets that unravel a dangerous web of fraud, corruption and conspiracy that turn Zoë’s quiet spaces into a world where nothing is as it seems. With her life on the line, the good doctor responsible for her fiercest betrayal might just be the only one worthy of her finest interior masterpiece-this time, of her heart.

    Rebecca Roman Logo Website

    About Rebecca Rohman

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released three additional novels and two novellas. A follow-up novella to her third book-Love M.D. named The Painful Side of Love will be released in April 2017.


    Titles By Rebecca Rohman

    The Painful Side of Love | Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas

    A Problematic Love | Love M.D. | Love, Lies, & The D.A.

    Unravel | Uncorked

    Social Media

    For Updates and Other Information

    Visit Rebecca’s Website at

    Follow or Like Her  On

    Goodreads | Facebook | BookBubTwitter | Google+ | YouTube | Pinterest

  • Rebecca Rohman’s Box Set Collection ~ SALE

    valentine-ad-4★ SALE ~ $2.99 ★

    Rebecca Rohman’s Box Set Collection ~ All 4 Novels – US$2.99


    All 4 Novels Average Over 4 Stars on Goodreads & Amazon


    Lose yourself within the pages of Rebecca Rohman’s Box Set Collection featuring her four novels: A Problematic Love, Love M.D., Love, Lies & The D.A., & Uncorked.

    All four full-length novels standalone. However, because Love, Lies & The D.A., Love M.D. and A Problematic Love share some of the same characters they can be read together. If you’d like the read them in order, Love, Lies & The D.A. was released first, then Love M.D. and A Problematic Love was the last.

    Expect loads of suspense and steamy love scenes.

    a-problematic-love-mock5★ A Problematic Love

    Eight years after her fiancĂ© was murdered, attorney Megan Kole has fully reconciled two areas of her life: her intelligent son, who never knew his father, and the thriving law practice that is her late father’s legacy. The remainder of Megan’s world stalled in a paralyzing grief that she effectively compartmentalized until a transfer to Seattle brings a handsome, mysterious billionaire into her life.

    Daemon Ros has been an outcast since the day he was born. His parents’ lavish but emotionally-vacant lifestyle prompted him to assert his financial independence at a young age. His ailing brother is the only connection he allows to penetrate the vault he has built around his heart, until a devoted mom and her precocious son introduce him to the true meaning of family bonds.

    But a chance legal encounter where Megan acts as mediator in a Ros family business dispute leads to far more than either expected. When a shocking truth leads to a love affair between Megan and Daemon that is forbidden in every conceivable way, the barely-restrained chemistry that scorches between them threatens an injunction on everything and everyone they hold dear. As pasts cross, memories threaten, and lies surface in a trial far more deadly than anything inside a courtroom, an arbitration of the heart could prove the only way for them both to make it out alive.

    ★ Love M.D.

    Love M.D. NEW COVER 1As an accomplished interior designer in San Francisco’s Bay Area, ZoĂ« Jenkins is used to transforming empty spaces into masterpieces. She leaves little square footage in her personal life for anything outside of her thriving business and a renewed relationship with her twin brother. After a decade spent ripped apart by circumstance and an entire ocean’s distance, she depends on no one but him. Until a sexy surgeon walks into her life.

    Although ZoĂ« can’t deny her attraction to the charming and benevolent Morgan Drake, he’s on her mental list of everything she should avoid. Past experience taught ZoĂ« that dating clients compromises business. Add a not-yet-dissolved marriage to the mix and Doctor Hottie is definitely Doctor Off-limits.

    Dr. Morgan Drake is surprised at the undeniable chemistry he feels when he’s in the same room as ZoĂ«. The strikingly beautiful and solitary designer he hired to fill his new-start, new-city home makes it abundantly clear there will never be anything between them. But twelve years of medical school breeds persistence. He sets out to persuade the pants off ZoĂ« Jenkins and show her what her empty spaces are missing.

    Intense passion and amazing sex have a way of masking secrets-secrets that unravel a dangerous web of fraud, corruption and conspiracy that turn Zoë’s quiet spaces into a world where nothing is as it seems. With her life on the line, the good doctor responsible for her fiercest betrayal might just be the only one worthy of her finest interior masterpiece-this time, of her heart.

    Love, Lies & The D.A. NEW COVER★ Love, Lies & The D.A.

    Jada McLean is about to get married in nine days, when she walks in on her fiancĂ© in a little more than a compromising position. Days later, she’s on a trip that she intends to be relaxing and a prelude to her fresh start, when she runs into the rude, obnoxious, but gorgeous Jonathan Kole.

    Jonathan Kole is San Francisco’s newest District Attorney. When he finds himself deeply attracted to a stunning beauty, he has no idea that she’s about to get into BIG trouble with the law—and he’ll be the one presiding over her trial. To make matters worse, his father is the lawyer representing her in the high-profile case.

    When a series of events force them together over New Year’s weekend, Jonathan’s feelings and ethics will come into question, while Jada comes to terms with the fact that she is falling for the man that will be responsible for attempting to put her behind bars
 Little do they know, they’re both about to fall into a whirlwind so deep, it will send both their lives spiraling out of control.

    Uncorked-NEW-COVER-WEB-MD★ Uncorked

    A Contemporary Romance with Elements of Suspense

    Chella Noon’s life isn’t her own. Her success as a Marketing Executive in the cosmetic division of an international conglomerate is overshadowed by a series of tragic events from a decade ago. With no family, few trusted friends and years spent on the run, she opens herself up to the possibility of a future with a sexy new real estate investor despite escalating threats from a psychotic ex determined to torment her.

    Mitch Mariani never met a deal he couldn’t close. So when Chella walks into his life, he will stop at nothing to prove he is worthy of her trust. But as Chella’s past catches up to them and danger exposes his well-guarded secrets, his heart may not be the only thing at risk of a tragic end.

    Buy Now

    Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

    Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon ES | Amazon IT | Amazon NL

    Amazon BR |  Amazon MX | Amazon IN | Amazon JP

    Happy Reading!!!

  • It's Here… Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas Is LIVE


    love-lies-a-bleu-christ-kLove, Lies & A Bleu Christmas – A Follow-Up Novella to Love, Lies & The D.A.

    Release Date: November 15th, 2016
    Release Party: Facebook
    Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
    Pages/Words: 257/47,000
    Format: EBook & Paperback


    When Bleu Resorts owner, Jada Kole decided it would be a good idea to keep a secret from her husband, it never once occurred to her that he might have an even more stunning secret than hers.

    The last year of Jonathan Kole’s life has been marred by complications, pressure and is beyond stressful both at his law firm and at home. Jada being overseas for an extended period doesn’t make things any easier to deal with.

    But secrets have a way of getting out. Add a sultry blonde and a child to the mix and Jada and Jonathan’s happily married life quickly turns into a very dark shade of bleu. As things fall apart, it turns from bad to worse when one of them ends up on the wrong side of the law and something ominous enters their lives.

    With Jada and Jonathan battling problems inside their marriage and things disintegrating in every direction on the outside, will San Francisco’s biggest power couple be able to get their lives in order? Or will it bring about the demise of their world and their child’s?

    Excerpt – Opening Scene (SPOILER ALERT)

    love-lies-a-bleu-christt4“Vous avez un cancer du sein.”

    Translation: “You have breast cancer.” Four words no woman wants to hear.

    It was on the night of the grand opening of my Paris hotel one week ago and after a long day, while taking a shower, I felt a small lump in my right breast.

    After several tests and a biopsy, Dr. Benneteau, the oncologist called

    Days later, I still can’t get over the shock.

    As I stare at the gray clouds that cover the Eiffel Tower, my phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. My husband Jonathan’s face illuminates my screen.

    “Hey, baby. How are my two favorite men in the world?”

    “Overwhelmed. I just had a break and I wanted to be sure I checked in with you. Any idea when you’re going to be home?”

    Not anytime soon.

    “Apart from seeing your handsome face and my sweet son for a couple days, I really can’t rationalize flying across the Atlantic for two days. I have to head over to Austria to make sure everything is on schedule with the property there.”

    “I miss my wife, and Jordan misses his mom.”

    My chest aches at the sound of his words. “If you really want, I’ll come home but it would be so much less pressure on me if I just stayed.”

    He sighs at the end of the line and mumbles a disgruntled, “Okay.”

    “It’s not like you’d have time for me either if I came, is it? You couldn’t even make the grand opening of Paris Bleu. All you’ve been telling me is how crazy it has been trying to get everything in place at the various branches of the firm.”

    “That’s true. I just miss you that’s all. Things just seem so much easier to handle when you’re here.”

    His words warm my heart. “I miss you too. I’ll be home as soon as I am able, I promise. In the meanwhile we always have FaceTime. But don’t you ever forget how much I love you.”

    “I love you too, babe. I have to go. I’ll be in touch soon.”

    I end the call.

    I may not have gotten over the shock of my diagnosis, but from the moment I found the lump, I’ve spent all my time researching it, and I have another appointment with the doctors this afternoon.

    Jonathan’s been overwhelmed of late since his sister Megan moved to Switzerland and his right-hand man, Cooper, lost his wife after a battle with—breast cancer. I don’t want to worry him. Besides, it’s just stage two breast cancer
or at least that is what I continue to tell myself.

    I have already made up my mind about what I’m going to do—handle it on my own. Have a double mastectomy so this never ever resurfaces again and tell my husband when I get home. That way, the problem will be handled; they’ll see that I’m healthy and we can all just move on with our lives. I’ll be saving them the agony of going through this anyway

    Love, Lies & The D.A. – Book #1 In The Series

    Love, Lies & The D.A. NEW COVERJada McLean is about to get married in nine days, when she walks in on her fiancĂ© in a little more than a compromising position. Days later, she’s on a trip that she intends to be relaxing and a prelude to her fresh start, when she runs into the rude, obnoxious, but gorgeous Jonathan Kole.
    Jonathan Kole is San Francisco’s newest District Attorney. When he finds himself deeply attracted to a stunning beauty, he has no idea that she’s about to get into BIG trouble with the law—and he’ll be the one presiding over her trial. To make matters worse, his father is the lawyer representing her in the high-profile case.
    When a series of events force them together over New Year’s weekend, Jonathan’s feelings and ethics will come into question, while Jada comes to terms with the fact that she is falling for the man that will be responsible for attempting to put her behind bars
 Little do they know, they’re both about to fall into a whirlwind so deep, it will send both their lives spiraling out of control.

    Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas Buy Links

    Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

    Amazon IN | Amazon FR | Amazon IT | Amazon DE | Amazon ES

    Amazon NL | Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX



    Join me this evening for the release of Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas on Facebook.

    I’ll be sharing my books, taking your questions, and I’ll also give away some fun stuff.

    It’s been a while since I’ve connected with those of you who follow me, please stop by and invite your friends to come along. It would be wonderful to reconnect.

    Looking forward to seeing you then.


  • ★ Hello Daemon Ros


    A Problematic Love Synopsis

    Eight years after her fiancĂ© was murdered, attorney Megan Kole has fully reconciled two areas of her life: her intelligent son, who never knew his father, and the thriving law practice that is her late father’s legacy. The remainder of Megan’s world stalled in a paralyzing grief that she effectively compartmentalized until a transfer to Seattle brings a handsome, mysterious billionaire into her life.

    Daemon Ros has been an outcast since the day he was born. His parents’ lavish but emotionally-vacant lifestyle prompted him to assert his financial independence at a young age. His ailing brother is the only connection he allows to penetrate the vault he has built around his heart, until a devoted mom and her precocious son introduce him to the true meaning of family bonds.

    But a chance legal encounter where Megan acts as mediator in a Ros family business dispute leads to far more than either expected. When a shocking truth leads to a love affair between Megan and Daemon that is forbidden in every conceivable way, the barely-restrained chemistry that scorches between them threatens an injunction on everything and everyone they hold dear. As pasts cross, memories threaten, and lies surface in a trial far more deadly than anything inside a courtroom, an arbitration of the heart could prove the only way for them both to make it out alive.

    Daemon RosMeet Daemon Ros

    Age: 39
    Birth Date: May 15
    Height: 6’3
    Weight: 172 Lbs.
    Race: Black & Caucasian
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color: Dark
    Hometown: Seattle, Washington
    School: University of Oxford
    Occupation: CEO – Ros Industries
    Home: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland, Seattle, Washington
    Traits: Protective, Brooding, Intense
    Favorite Outfit: Black everything
    Toys: Jaguar F-Type, Land Rover Defender & Evoque, Bugatti Veyron, Riva Boat
    Sports: Football and soccer
    Hobbies: Woodworking, hiking and boating.
    Favorite Food: Anything works.

    Book Trailer

    Excerpt – Their Very First Meeting

    I knock on the Presidential suite door at the Four Seasons and wait. My palms are drenched, and I can’t seem to stay still. The door opens.

    “You must be Ms. Kole, we’ve been expecting you. Please come in.” The man is probably my age—early to mid-thirties, Asian, and his hair is in a neat ponytail. He smiles politely. “I’m Min-jae Kang. Please have a seat. Mr. Ros is on a call. He’ll see you shortly.”

    “Thank you. It’s a pleasure,” I respond. I’m too nervous to sit. Everything around me is still so foreign. I stop for a moment to take in the breathtaking water views. Mega cargo ships sail by. To the right, an island looms in the background.

    In the distance, I hear indistinct talking. After my phone conversation with Daemon, I’m not sure what to expect. I have no clue how this man is going to behave, especially now that his father decided I should mediate on my own. I hate being so unprepared for this meeting. I am completely out of my comfort zone. Right now, I don’t even know what the man looks like.

    Min-jae returns. “Ms. Kole, please follow me. Mr. Ros is ready to see you.”

    As we approach the room, Mr. Ros’s voice becomes clearer. “They’re fucking incompetent. Tell the legal department I want the whole management team fired immediately, and tell Schwartz he needs to get on a plane and head over there tonight to begin putting things in place. I’ll call you later. I have a meeting.”

    The man whom I could only assume is Daemon Ros stands looking out to the view, his back is to me as he ends the call. Chills run through my body.

    “Ms. Kole,” he turns to face me.

    Blood. Air. Water. All that keeps me alive spirals into a vicious vortex and leaves my body.

    Oh my God
 it’s Zach!


    Buy Links

    Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

    Amazon IN | Amazon FR | Amazon IT | Amazon DE | Amazon ES

    Amazon NL | Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX

    Rebecca Roman Logo Website

    About Rebecca Rohman

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released three additional novels and one novella. She is currently working on her second novella, Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas, due to be released in November 2016.

    Titles by Rebecca Rohman

    A Problematic Love  |  Love M.D.  |  Love, Lies & The D.A.  |  Unravel  |  Uncorked


    Social Media Links


  • ★ Love M.D. Meet Dr. Morgan Drake

    Dr. Morgan Drake

    Love M.D. Synopsis

    As an accomplished interior designer in San Francisco’s Bay Area, ZoĂ« Jenkins is used to transforming empty spaces into masterpieces. She leaves little square footage in her personal life for anything outside of her thriving business and a renewed relationship with her twin brother. After a decade spent ripped apart by circumstance and an entire ocean’s distance, she depends on no one but him. Until a sexy surgeon walks into her life.

    Although ZoĂ« can’t deny her attraction to the charming and benevolent Morgan Drake, he’s on her mental list of everything she should avoid. Past experience taught ZoĂ« that dating clients compromises business. Add a not-yet-dissolved marriage to the mix and Doctor Hottie is definitely Doctor Off-limits.

    Dr. Morgan Drake is surprised at the undeniable chemistry he feels when he’s in the same room as ZoĂ«. The strikingly beautiful and solitary designer he hired to fill his new-start, new-city home makes it abundantly clear there will never be anything between them. But twelve years of medical school breeds persistence. He sets out to persuade the pants off ZoĂ« Jenkins and show her what her empty spaces are missing.

    Intense passion and amazing sex have a way of masking secrets—secrets that unravel a dangerous web of fraud, corruption and conspiracy that turn Zoë’s quiet spaces into a world where nothing is as it seems. With her life on the line, the good doctor responsible for her fiercest betrayal might just be the only one worthy of her finest interior masterpiece—this time, of her heart.

    Meet Dr. Morgan Drake

    Love M.D. NEW COVER 1Name: Morgan Drake
    Age: 37
    Birth Date: April 15
    Height: 6’2
    Weight: 165 Lbs.
    Race: Hispanic & Caucasian
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color: Dark
    Hometown: San Francisco, California
    School: Stanford School of Medicine
    Occupation: Surgeon
    Home: Belvedere, California
    Traits: Protective, Resolute, Loyal
    Favorite Outfit: Grey, black, navy or white T-Shirt with faded blue jeans
    Toys: Tesla,   Land Rover Range Rover Sport &  a Harley 
    Sports: Swimming
    Hobbies: Boating and he has an obsession with the pyramids of Egypt
    Favorite Food: Mostly seafood and poultry, with the occasional steak.



    Excerpt – Discussing Dr. Morgan Drake

    Zach pulls me close and kisses my forehead. “ZoĂ«, if anyone knows how you feel it’s me. Just try. Maybe go on a date with Doctor You Know Who. If I deserve this, you do, too. You’re the better half of us.”

    I chuckle at his response, and after a tight squeeze, I pull away. “Somehow I don’t think so. For all I know, he and his ex might be rekindling the flame right now.”

    “I don’t think so. A guy doesn’t go all out trying to impress a woman unless he’s seriously interested, and I think he’s made his feelings pretty clear. If I usually get what I want isn’t clear, I don’t know what is.”

    “Maybe what he really wants is a quick lay.”

    “A quick lay doesn’t send you long stem roses and gifts. Is this about him or you?”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    “Is that right? I think you know how he feels. As usual, I think you’re avoiding acknowledging this because you like him—a lot. You don’t want to get hurt again, so you won’t admit how you really feel.”

    Laughing carelessly, I reply, “I emphatically disagree with that statement.”

    “You can emphatically disagree all you want, but it’s the truth.”

    At the same moment, Peaches runs into the kitchen with something in her mouth.

    “What’s that you’ve got there girl?” Zach asks, scratching her ears.

    I turn my back to pull some quiche from the oven.

    “ZoĂ« Baylee Jenkins, what is this?”

    I turn to see him holding a Ralph Lauren sock in his hand. I know that could only belong to Morgan. I guess I forgot to mention to him that he should be careful about leaving socks around when he was here. Peaches has a sock fetish.

    “Are you blind? It’s a sock.”

    “Yes, but whose is it?”

    “I don’t know. She must have found that somewhere outside.”

    Inspecting it, he responds. “You are such a liar. He was here wasn’t he? You’ve been holding out on me.”

    I try with all my might to not break out into a smile and keep my secret safe. “Maybe.”

 getting regular injections yet?”

    I try, I really do but I can’t keep a straight face, and I break out in laughter. “It wasn’t like that.”

    “Exactly how was it?”

    “He came home early and the guys had just refinished the floors so he couldn’t stay at the house. We tried to find him a hotel, but they were all booked for the weekend because of some major conference, and his sister and dad were out of town for the weekend. I offered him a bed for the night.”

    “Your bed?”

    “No. He slept in the guest room, thank you very much.”

    “You didn’t sleep too well that night, did you?” With a naughty grin, he rubs his palms together. “Any kissy kissy?”

    “There was not.”

    “Why don’t you just admit it? You like him.”

    I smile but don’t respond.

    “You barely even give out your address, much less let anyone come to your home. Let’s see in two years who’s been here: Jada, Jonathan, Megan, Sheila, Lisa, Leo and Trevor
 oh and Gail and, might I add, out of all those five are our staff members. Out of the two or three guys you had relations with after Todd, not one of them made it to your doorstep, and I’m supposed to believe that this is not a big deal.”

    “You’re entitled to your thoughts and opinions.”

    “Say whatever you want, but I know you better than you know yourself. Better stock up on those batteries, because if nothing happened between you two, as you claimed last night, you’re going to need them.”



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    About Rebecca Rohman 

    Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.

    About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released three additional novels and one novella. She is currently working on her second novella, Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas, due to be released in November 2016.

    Titles by Rebecca Rohman

    A Problematic Love | Love M.D. | Love, Lies & The D.A. | Unravel | Uncorked


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