'Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Christmas Giveaway 2015 limeHappy Holidays ★  Merry Christmas ★ Happy Hanukkah ★ Happy Kwanzaa ★ Happy Festivus
I hope I got it all, but whatever you celebrate I wish you only the best for this holiday season, and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.
It’s that time of year again and I’d like to invite you to SIGN UP for my Annual Christmas Giveaway. Some fun prizes are up for grabs.
Also, all my novels are available in paperback and a signed copy would make great gifts for the holiday season. Free gift wrapping is also available on my website. You can purchase your copies HERE.
In other news, A Problematic Love is now available for PRE-ORDER at a 25% discount. It is available only on Amazon.
A blurb and a little bit of a tease follows, I hope you enjoy it.
★ A Problematic Love Synopsis – Due to be released in February 2016
Eight years after her fiancé was murdered, attorney Megan Kole has fully reconciled two areas of her life: her intelligent and precocious son who never knew his father and the thriving law practice A-Problematic-Love-Cover-WEthat is her late father’s legacy. The remainder of Megan’s world stalled in a paralyzing grief that she effectively compartmentalized until a
transfer to Seattle brings a handsome but deeply mysterious billionaire into her life.
Daemon Ros has been an outcast since the day he was born. His parent’s cold indifference and their lavish but emotionally vacant lifestyle prompted him to assert his financial independence from a young age. Adoration for his ailing brother is the only connection he allows to penetrate the vault he has built around his heart, until a devoted mom and her enchanting son introduce him the true meaning of family bonds.
But a chance legal encounter where Megan acts as mediator in a Ros family business dispute leads to far more than either expected. When a shocking truth leads to a love affair between Megan and Daemon that is forbidden in every conceivable way, the barely-restrained chemistry that scorches between them threatens an injunction on everything and everyone they hold dear. As pasts cross, memories threaten and lies surface in a trial far more deadly than anything inside a courtroom, an arbitration of the heart could prove the only way for them both to make it out alive.
I think that’s it for now. Until next year—Goodbye.
Warm wishes,
Rebecca Rohman

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